2011 Books for Hailey - A Project of Inspiration

Help the teachers and students help Hailley P. by purchasing your copy of “Hailley and the Green Giant.” Each book sold will help Hailley pay for medical expenses. This book will inspire children and adults never to give up when the odds are down. The story is told from the perspective of two kind teddy bears that dream about Hailley beating the Giant right out of town. The title is co-authored by Gerri Field with well-known children’s author Jason S. Lynch. The site will have updates as the book develops and other fundraising events. Call 304.771.2184 for information or E-mail: egbears@yahoo.com. Look at the bottom of this page for upcoming events.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Facebook-A-Thon Launched to Buy Books

Please help us to hold the world's FIRST Facebook-A-Thon. Our request is simple send this link on the bottom of this post to all YOUR Facebook friends and email anyone else you know for 5 days and ask them order a book. Online ordering is now ready. http://2011booksforhailey.blogspot.com/

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